Sunday, March 25, 2012

Abbi is doing good, her bone marrow is starting... produce new cells. slower than last time, but last time was actually really fast, this is more normal. her neutrophils are 220 they need to be 500 for more than 3 days and they can discharge her only to go to family house and get a break, then god willing get graft vs host disease and come back to hospital depending on the severity. she is so ready to be out of here. 
Abbi's neutrophils went from 380 on Monday to 250 yesterday to 470 today, oh the frustrating fluctuation of blood cells, they have stopped the prograf, that is the med to prevent gvhd, cold turkey to hopefully trigger GVHD. and she could be discharged this weekend. she at least needs a break from the hospital before she comes back with GVHV!  Mom Candie