Friday, February 24, 2012

Well it looks like abbi has to be readmitted tomorrow...

Well it looks like abbi has to be readmitted tomorrow to do another round of aml chemo followed by another stem cell boost because there were still a small amount of lukemia cells in the bone marrow and they want to go for the cure, so gvhd works better if there are no lukemia cells, so she will recieve 8 more days of the same therapy and then they will give her the rest of the cells. then after all of that they will give her gvhd. PLEASE PRAY AGAIN FOR MINIMAL SIDE EFFECTS AND GVHD

Abbi's white blood cells and neutrophils have started going up!

Abbi's white blood cells and neutrophils have started going up and they are starting to switch meds from IV to mouth and started talking about discharge as long as she is eating and drinking and taking meds. but they are still gonna push for graft vs host disease, they will give her more stem cells a month from her transplant which would be around the 1st of march. and they think they can give it to her and she might, depending on the severity of the gvhd, have to be back in hospital. but we pray she will get just enough gvhd to kill the remaining lukemia cells.

Abbi could be discharged as early as next week! they are scheduling a bone marrow biopsy for tuesday to check for engraftment and leukemia cells. they will stop her prograf (used to prevent gvhd) within 2 weeks or so and that could create gvhd by abruptly stopping it. depending on engraftment results they will give her more donor lymphocytes to keep pushing gvhd. as you can guess we really want gvhd, so far so good they are happy! PLEASE PRAY FOR GVHD AND GREAT BIOPSY RESULTS!