I have no idea exactly the date but I was living in Sedona, Arizona at the time when my daughter called on my telephone and asked me if I remember telling her to get Abigail, my granddaughter tested for leukemia a year ago or so. Of course Abbi wasn't a baby anymore she was now 7 years old. She often had minor colds or a runny nose and looked under the weather sometimes but not often to her immediate family because they were living with her everyday so how could they see that there was a slight paleness to her skin or know that her infrequent nose bleeds weren't just from the low humidity or some normal occurrence as their private practice Pediatrician told the family when he examined her so many times in her young life and administered inoculations as is normal care of a child for American Medical Association. This phone call turned out to be about a premonition I had about Abigail and at that time my daughter Candice asked me not to make her afraid she thought I was just saying 'what if ' to her again. I wasn't. One week after that call I began selling my things and packing up for the long ride back to Northern California where my daughter her husband, and brother Blake, and Abigail were still living.